Tuesday 14 December 2021

Developing Successors

Developing successors through succession planning 

is a different ball game today, unlike the past

for one, people no longer plan to work for you, for life

for another, the high attrition rates demand 

grooming not just one, but a few for a key position! 

Business realities change so fast that 

shorter time planning appears sensible, realistic

long term - some positions may not even exist 

so focus  on developing the key talents, in diverse ways

the high potential, in a measurable manner  

ascertaining their interests, taking their inputs as well!   

In a volatile market, anyone may leave any time

yet the inputs you give,  the grooming you give

will create the bond, with some of them hopefully 

staying  put, in a satisfying, growing environment 

Identifying competency of each key position

like "self driven", "result oriented", "transparency", "communication"

and against them eliciting,  assessing, measuring 

the competency of those you already have  in company

using  tools like business  score cards,  assessment center 

and 360 degree assessment to ensure

stakeholders also feel the person is competent 

But will this not result in de-motivation of the rest

when some preferred, projected over other employees? 

not if you ensure a merit based exercise

tangible and measurable, providing avenues

 a fair chance to all to showcase their talents

provide answer to question - 

"What's in it for me?"   

The smaller organizations too need to plan for succession 

but use tools suited to their size, 

requirement and affordability- perhaps buy 

a suitable succession- planning software....

What if a person selected for senior position 

had a great track record but found incompatible

unable to fit into organization culture 

unsuitable for role, unable to deliver? 

do quick damage control by grooming to your needs 

a shadow coach working closely to find gaps

and closing them speedily, at the earliest!

Ease him/her out if unable to do so 

all the while, having a shadow resource 

who works closely with him/ her, 

 to take his/ her place if the need arises...  

After  expensive training initiatives 

for the Hi-pots, don't let the steam fizzle out 

give them projects to work on, meet them frequently

use staggered learning approach of 8 to 10 months

find out what is working, what is not

and take  corrective steps for success of program.. 

Succession planning, developing successors

is number one priority in these times

now, more than at any other time! 

NB:(1)  Hi-pots refers to high potentials. 

       (2) The source material for this poem is a webinar organized by Bija Training on 8th December 2021 featuring Mr Rajesh.M. DGM Talent management,Omega Health care Pvt Ltd.

Monday 29 November 2021

Mental health Wellness

While in the journey of mental wellness

Get rid of the pressure, to be perfect 

the need to be strong all the time 

be kinder to yourself, you deserve it!

Have the conversation going, on mental health

just as you would, if physically ill

time overdue to throw the stigma 

to mental illness, out of the window! 

Lead by example HR, do it first

share the vulnerability- like when

you're having a bad day..

share stories of  difficult times handled

and encourage others to do so too

identify early warning signals 

to be able to help employees.. 

A mental health action plan in place

to complement the employee assistance program

enabling people to set boundaries- what is acceptable what is not 

both physically and psychologically... 

Facilitate peer conversations, providing training

to those interested- People may open up

to a peer more than a boss...  

let training be a part of a larger plan 

not a one off exercise...

let it support the culture of organization 

Let HR focus be on mental health friendly

policies, procedures, practices..

review  the old and ensure all policies compliant 

Calling out objectionable/ shaming/ non inclusive behaviour 

 no matter by whom very important! 

so is highlighting value of empathetic listening... 

Educating Line managers on the art of treating people well

showing how non violent communication

open channels of communication, enhances productivity 

will go a long way to enhance mental wellness...

Finally,  here are some props for support on journey

journaling, meditation, mindfulness practice, exercise

remember, to take care of yourself too

like the mother advised to put first her oxygen mask

before helping child - HR can be of use to others 

only if mentally healthy themselves..

NB:  The basic source material for this poem is an online discussion during the 'Show case' conference organized by NHRD in November 2021. The panel members included Sunita Wazeer Well being Leader of Unilever, Shalini Nataraj Global Head (HR) of Maersk.

Friday 5 November 2021

Networking Insights

Everyone admits "Networking is  the sure thing

most wanted in today's time! "

something you just cannot do without

yet people fall short of going for it

taking action...

Often, it's due to the fear of rejection 

or fear that the other guy may sweet talk you

into getting deals in his interest, rather than yours

or fear of time being wasted- Does she really know people of significance?

"will it really help in furthering my interests? 

or just a waste of precious time?"  

Antidote to fears of rejection, lack of confidence 

can only be "your belief in yourself" 

belief or lack of it, both works to produce results

prompting you to either act fast or dilly dally 

A lot of networking is about giving 

you can't hope to get if you are reluctant to give 

there's need for genuine interest in the other guy

and willingness to create value for that person 

Spend more time speaking about them

rather than about yourself- it's a sign of your interest in them 

while conversing provide value to them

perhaps a contact,  or suggestion about a book 

soon he/she will be wondering about you

would want to know more about you... 

So it is all about the conversation you had 

whether connection and interaction happened

rather than mere exchange of business cards 

Present your card only when convinced

that person genuinely wants it, is interested in you 

Don't judge yourself and others

"I am not good enough to speak to the high ranked him/ her" 

"I am just not good at networking"

If you don't think much of yourself, why should they? 

Remember, you are the product while networking-

not your company, not your business!

In the same way, restrain urge to judge others 

"This guy cannot speak good English" 

" Look at his dress sense, not classy enough"

the proof of the pudding is in the eating

not merely in the outer appearances..

Your character is far more valuable than competence

when interacting, networking with others 

it is all about "who you are" rather than "What you do" 

go with a positive mindset with good intentions

and then for networking, sky is the limit!  

NB: (1) The basic source material for this poem is a webinar I attended in October 2021  featuring Mr Paritosh Pathak, Networking coach, networking success.in  

         (2)  Readers may also like to check out my post "Network is your Networth" at this link  

Monday 11 October 2021

Resilience and Challenges of Remote Working

Covid times have thrown up uncertainties 

challenges and unforeseen circumstances

grit and determination required just now

to lead from the front- to spring back

and if possible be in a better place than prior 

In other words resilience has emerged 

as the No 1, most wanted leadership strength! 

Post Covid, remote working a norm, 

with everyone resorting to it

to the max possible extent

looks like it's here to stay

the future, more likely a hybrid version

a combination of both

with a tilt in favour of remote working... 

Many free online courses on offer today

from Udemy, LinkedIn and others

Being responsive to all kinds of changes

will be the key to a happy tomorrow

In a remote working model, Trust is paramount,

building confidence in employees

a feeling of assurance, that you trust them 

Using TACT helps : T for talk, sharing your vulnerabilities

A for ask - How they are doing, what help they want

C for control- Controlling your negative emotions like anger

T for being Truthful: About your expectations,

and honest feedback on their performances... 

To facilitate change, make it smoother and easier

provide infrastructure for working from home- Laptop, chair, whatever 

changes become more acceptable, when you are grateful

of things you still have, in spite of the pandemic 

it helps to be in a happy, grateful frame of mind...

Final thoughts on  virtual meetings 

don't have same standards as in physical office

a dress code, formal body language 

spend initial 5 minutes in small talk, breaking the ice

let people relax, embrace virtual platform-  Just like that!  

Finally, never quit in difficult times 

you not only miss out on opportunities to win

but also the opportunities to learn... 

NB: The source material for this poem is a webinar organized by Bija training on 18th August 2021  featuring Mr Willis Langford, Director (HR) Avnet India    

Note:  I recited this poem in the October month 2021 meeting of  the Bangalore Poetry Circle(BPC) 


Tuesday 17 August 2021

Key Features of an Innovation Culture

Don't pit innovation against anything else

remember, it is not about 'Innovation' or 'Deadlines" 

it is about 'innovation' and 'Deadlines'

we need both, meeting deadline for survival

innovation for growth, for the future!  

Talking of 'Innovation', it calls for

an inherent risk appetite

be ready to take failures in your stride 

ask questions, challenge status quo always!   

Innovation is about the attitude, approach, mindset  

not necessarily radical each time, involving huge investments 

culture it is-  a key ingredient for innovation 

encouraging questions like what? why not? what if? 

Encouraging diversity of talent in your teams 

diversity in experience, education, age, background 

an atmosphere for speaking up, an atmosphere of inclusiveness 

Failing intentionally to derive learning

creating a culture that says" Failure is okay

assimilate the learning from failure and move on"..

is all part of an innovative culture

only ensure- when you fail next time

 you don't fail in the same way!  

The new trends in innovation include gamification

monetary incentives for critical thinking 

creating competition amongst members

for divergent thinking...   

The challenges include personal biases

and the human nature to resist change

another challenge is zeroing in from 

a flood of ideas, choosing the best, right one from many!

The way forward  is modifying syllabus 

of professional courses- inculcating spirit

to accept, face, handle failure 

more of experiential learning and

small micro courses to supplement learning 

How can we get more support, acceptance 

for innovation from managements? 

demonstrating small successes, its savings and benefits 

open doors for  more support, larger investments! 

So there you are friends, go for it! 

undeterred by minor hitches, excuses, complaints

focus on long term ,  focus on culture 

it is the culture of innovation, pervading organization

that  will take you far distances and for longer period!  

NB: The source material for this poem is a webinar organized by Bija Training on 4th August 2021   featuring MsShalaka Verma,Director- Customer Success, Microsoft Pvt Ltd

Saturday 31 July 2021

Empathetic Leadership

With the world gone topsy- turvy 

on arrival of Covid 19, this is the time

more than any other, when we need

to exhibit empathetic leadership! 

Empathize with employees, help them learn, unlearn

and cope with the new scenario & current challenges 

understand their context, provide required support 

exhibit your humane side- as they 

struggle with the pressure to deliver!  

Spending time with individual team members 

 understanding problems, issues individual to each one 

and addressing them is the key...

Like, when an employee moved in with parents 

had less space, and appropriate ambiance 

was reluctant to come on video, working on line 

decision taken to appreciate his position 

permitted to speak, without  coming on video  

The connect becomes real and meaningful

when you display vulnerability, share with team 

your concerns and difficulties, trusting them

to pitch in and respond... 

Resort to and rely on "Active listening", 

the fuel of empathetic leadership! 

proactive discussions, joint target setting 

being a bridge between your boss, and team 

will all go a long way in achieving success! 

Empathetic leadership happens 

not from empty slogans, declarations 

but when a paradigm shift in approach 

has happened right at the top

and frittered down effectively

touching everyone, till last employee... 

Yes, covid time is an opportunity 

for introspection and change in approach 

this is the time when empathetic leadership

is most essential, more than at any other time!  

NB: The source material for this poem is a webinar organized by Bija Training on 21st July 2021   featuring Mr Vikrant Vinayak, MD Accenture.

Monday 5 July 2021

Secret of Happiness at Work

An unhappy person doesn't, 

cannot create happy teams

remember, the person who matters most 

for your happiness, is yourself! 

Reasons for happiness at work

vary from person to person

but one thing that is common

which everyone wants is 'Growth'!  

a Buddhist definition for 'happiness' is

the joy of reaching your potential !

Fun can be of two types- 'Challenging fun'

and 'Adulterated fun' 

while running a kilometre or two 

writing a blog is challenging fun 

adulterated fun is like 

 "watched Netflix back to back"  

adulterated fun makes you feel guilty

while challenging fun- Happy!  

You can be assured you have 

"Delight conditions" at work   

when you feel good about co-workers

you complete 70% of "To do list" 

manager provides achievable challenging work

and the support for achieving them!

It's a company with a purpose that fires passion

passion is what you would do 

if money was not an issue 

what you would continue to do, even when

you have a choice to do nothing!

Happy people  are successful people 

unhappy people, even if not leaving you

do not contribute to company

after all, they are not happy! 

Look up the "Daniel Pink Study" 

it reiterates what we discussed so far 

for happiness and motivation

autonomy, mastery and purpose 

score over all other incentives!  

NB: The source material for this poem is a webinar organized by NHRD Hyderabad Chapter in February 2021   featuring Ms Namrata Gill VP(HR), Dr Reddys Laboratories, Hyderabad. 

Friday 25 June 2021

Fresh Look at Targets


No point setting impossible targets

when you know that they aren't achievable

instead spend time, engage with people

let them understand the nuts and bolts  

for achieving realistic targets! 

Realistic targets take away need to

window dress, hide real facts 

learn to acknowledge failures

not only to celebrate success!  

How transparent are you about failures?

have once a week reruns, ruminating on

what worked, what did not 

zeroing in on reasons of failure 

and deciding on what support to be extended 

for converting failure to success!  

Stop taking failures personally 

view it as organizational deficiency 

People with different abilities required

at different life cycle of organization 

raring to go mindset at "Start up time" changes to more 

of process orientation, with organizational maturity

Clarity is the key-  Ask, why did I set these targets ? 

now analyze, why couldn't I achieve it? 

failure isn't failure really 

it's information for the way forward! 

As tactical retreats are done by armies 

you strategize, when goals missed in business 

not by setting unrealistic targets

but by realigning for the way forward!  

NB: The source material for this poem is a webinar on 17th April 2021  featuring Mr Gerald Jaideep, CEO Medvarsity and Founder Creative Sprout as the speaker.

Thursday 17 June 2021

Breaking Through the Comfort Zone

Steady  performance, using limited skills

without taking any risks, is a good definition

for the state of  comfort zone! 

It is easy to get trapped in the thought

of  working okay, no complaint 

in a routine manner....

This means, the appreciation from others 

become less and less frequent 

until it may disappear altogether...

It takes a Dhoni or Dhirubai Ambani 

to bid goodbye to a routine

that no longer excites, and embrace 

risks/opportunities, away from the comfort zone 

But why do this at all? 

"I am happy in the comfort zone!" think many

To achieve a goal, life's mission 

there is no choice but to

break through the comfort zone!  

Whatever be the goal 

CEO by 2030 or Manager by 2025

modify routines in line with your goal 

see small goal posts as leading to the ultimate goal 

and your outlook horizon changes for good! 

If always focused on the ultimate goal 

the small squabbles and everyday irritants

do not matter anymore....

engage with your partners, take initiative

spend more time working for the holistic target  

The experience of work, from a  holistic mindset

stands in you in good stead 

as you climb up the ladder

as does building trust of your people

through frequent interaction with team!  

For those breaking out of comfort zone 

taking initiative, building teams,

not sweating the small stuff 

not gossiping, speaking behind backs of people

the sky is the limit! 

NB: The source material for this poem is a webinar organized by Bija Training on 12th May 2021   featuring Mr V.R. Mahadevan, Advisor & EX Jt MD BGR Energy Systems Ltd. 

 The speaker chose to take on the project manager role even as he  joined as a management trainee overcoming fear of failure and negating an option to work within the comfort zone. 

Monday 31 May 2021

Tips for Overcoming Fear

As fear moves in to places

where there is poor clarity 

the best way to handle fear 

 is to be clear -  know what you want,

clear on what you see as your purpose of life!

Clarity destroys fear to a great extent

after all, there is no longer fear of the unknown 

since  you know  what you want

you can prepare for it 

be ready to take risks, if needed

you are not taken by surprise! 

Preparation, preparation, preparation in cricket

helped  Dhoni to reach for, and attain success 

The equivalent of preparation in corporates

for managers and leaders is planning! 

yes, it 's planning that is an antidote

to the malady of "Fear of the unknown"   

Unique requirement in the future

would be the ability to deal with the unknown

be it a world wide pandemic, an economic meltdown

political disruption or hostile takeovers...

Time to say goodbye to 

this culture of " taking permissions" 

instead  encourage "taking initiatives" 

Fear promotes silo working

discourages communication 

fear it is, that prevents collaboration 

Banish fear through clarity

planning and flexibility, 

you will then be able to

Connect, Communicate and Collaborate, for success!   

NB: The source material for this poem is a webinar organized by Bija Training on 21st April 2021   featuring Mr Koushik Sarkar Managing Director, West Asia OMYA AG 

Saturday 29 May 2021

Professionally surviving a pandemic

Uncertainties all around 

will there be a pay cut? 

will I retain my job? for how long? 

when will I get the promotion I missed?

will I survive the pandemic itself?  

Insecurities connected with 

going physically for work 

Insecurities connected with

working from home  

many anxieties are getting converted to fear!  

Staying motivated first 

to be able to motivate others

focusing on being grounded, maintaining equilibrium  

the need of the hour- To reassure oneself

that this too shall pass... 

This is the time to equip oneself 

update with skills, knowledge, certifications

enroll for courses,  be fit and ready

to encash it, when the time comes

when we have beaten the pandemic!

It is only a matter of time 

that the inevitable happens

it is the very law of nature 

that occurs without fail 

Light invariably emerges after darkness...

Monday 10 May 2021

Consistency in Results


"What habits lead to consistency in results?"

asked a listener after listening to a talk on Zoom

on top of the pile, in today's times it would be 

emotional intelligence! (EI/EQ) said speaker 

followed by developing sufficient people for succession

buttress that with self motivation & self discipline

and you are well on your way, to consistent results!  

Getting feedback from your people

every 6 months important too!

enables  corrections based on feedback

sometimes you learn things, you didn't even know! 

like "I learnt from feedback that I  

am low on transparency- wasn't sharing enough "

made amends, set goals to raise it over a period of time 

today, it's up from 5 to 9! 

Be aware always that today you are working with 4 generations 

need to respond to varying motivational needs 

A young team of 24-25 year olds wants to be taken out 

though this may seem unimportant to the 45 year old boss 

"Learning agility" would be another one

so important these days, with  obsolescence happening so fast 

consistent learning-reskilling, upskilling, networking

if you want your team to look up to you

be always open to learning, being  updated 

make sure you know each member of team well

individual likes, dislikes, motivation

what makes each one tick? 

Resilience is a quality you will  need 

to develop as a habit

speaker shared her own experience

when resilience came to her aid 

while moving from village schooling, to city college

with no knowledge of  English 

or when she wanted to  return to work 

after maternity break -  faced rejection 23 times 

but with gumption & resilience attained her goal!

A voice from the audience shared how "Brainstorming"

collaborating, eliciting solutions from team 

helped to not only meet, but exceed targets 

Starting a project is only the beginning

seeing it through with the required discipline 

is the key to achievement and success!

Be prepared for surprises galore,

in these times of uncertainty 

your team tomorrow, could be a mix 

of humans and robots- your ability

to handle psychological aspects 

could be the differentiator between 

results and consistency in results!  

NB: The source material for this poem is a webinar organized by Bija Training on March 24, 2021 featuring Ms Gauri Das Head (HR) Indian Factoring and Finance Solutions

Saturday 6 March 2021

The Golden Skill of Responding

Ever thought of the havoc that  can be caused

in a work situation, if you blurt out 

the first thing that comes to mind 

on feeling anger, impatience or irritation ?

why, reacting will cost you even at home!   

Responding then, is far superior to Reacting

anytime, anywhere!   

When you take time to ponder, not react immediately

you gain power to respond

to point out incorrect human behaviour

rather than find fault with human being 

you can follow it up with offer of support

"Anything I can do to help?"  

Granted, this is not easy 

an inner ardent desire helps

as also  an attitude  and acceptance

that "Everyone contributes to success

and not just me, me alone "  

This approach prompts team 

to open up, share more ideas 

so, have an open mind oh leader

show empathy, gain trust 

and soon teams start appreciating big picture

coming out with solution themselves.... 

Open dialogues, learning from past experiences

enhances ability to respond in place of 'reacting'

Home can be a good place to start

practice 'Responding' at home

and soon you will find 

you are doing it at work as well!  

NB: The source material for this poem is a webinar organized by Bija Training  on 3rd February 2021 featuring Mr Karthik Nagasundaram, Director TCS, Global alliances

Wednesday 6 January 2021

Approach to Work

How well do you think 

you are doing your work? 

Is it something to be got done 

somehow, any which way? 

so you can be free from "this distasteful chore"   

Or is it something you adore

simply enjoy even as your perform it? 

It's all about the attitude 

if the attitude is right, you are motivated

to not just do work, but do it well!   

One's  ability doesn't count 

if the attitude is absent 

it is the seed, that provides strong roots and branches

basis for the flowering, blossoming of tree

ultimately providing healthy, wholesome fruits!  

Faulty seeds produce weak, unhealthy plant

that eventually wither away

so does a man's interest in work 

wane and wither away 

in the absence of  the seed of a good attitude!

Attitude- Indeed, it is  everything!