Monday 29 November 2021

Mental health Wellness

While in the journey of mental wellness

Get rid of the pressure, to be perfect 

the need to be strong all the time 

be kinder to yourself, you deserve it!

Have the conversation going, on mental health

just as you would, if physically ill

time overdue to throw the stigma 

to mental illness, out of the window! 

Lead by example HR, do it first

share the vulnerability- like when

you're having a bad day..

share stories of  difficult times handled

and encourage others to do so too

identify early warning signals 

to be able to help employees.. 

A mental health action plan in place

to complement the employee assistance program

enabling people to set boundaries- what is acceptable what is not 

both physically and psychologically... 

Facilitate peer conversations, providing training

to those interested- People may open up

to a peer more than a boss...  

let training be a part of a larger plan 

not a one off exercise...

let it support the culture of organization 

Let HR focus be on mental health friendly

policies, procedures, practices..

review  the old and ensure all policies compliant 

Calling out objectionable/ shaming/ non inclusive behaviour 

 no matter by whom very important! 

so is highlighting value of empathetic listening... 

Educating Line managers on the art of treating people well

showing how non violent communication

open channels of communication, enhances productivity 

will go a long way to enhance mental wellness...

Finally,  here are some props for support on journey

journaling, meditation, mindfulness practice, exercise

remember, to take care of yourself too

like the mother advised to put first her oxygen mask

before helping child - HR can be of use to others 

only if mentally healthy themselves..

NB:  The basic source material for this poem is an online discussion during the 'Show case' conference organized by NHRD in November 2021. The panel members included Sunita Wazeer Well being Leader of Unilever, Shalini Nataraj Global Head (HR) of Maersk.


  1. Very well crafted poem and the importance of peace is well depicted, Raj Sir! Loved it.

    1. Thank you so much for your appreciation and feedback Padma! Happy you related to the post.

  2. Thank you. Happy you related to the post.

  3. Nice poetic expression of a serious HR issue ๐Ÿ‘Œ

  4. Thank you so much for your appreciation and feedback!

  5. Thanks for sharing thoughts about this serious issue

  6. Thank you Pankajam. Happy you related to the post!

  7. Hope the life cycle is full of duality like two sides of coin. Pain/ pleasure, pain/ gain, agony/ ecstasy are all passing clouds and nothing is permanent. In corporate world too the existence is coupled with stress, strain, anxiety only to redeem the best results. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Efforts are always on to transform and translate the core concept. ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  8. Thank you so much sir for sharing your thoughts on the subject!
