Tuesday 14 December 2021

Developing Successors

Developing successors through succession planning 

is a different ball game today, unlike the past

for one, people no longer plan to work for you, for life

for another, the high attrition rates demand 

grooming not just one, but a few for a key position! 

Business realities change so fast that 

shorter time planning appears sensible, realistic

long term - some positions may not even exist 

so focus  on developing the key talents, in diverse ways

the high potential, in a measurable manner  

ascertaining their interests, taking their inputs as well!   

In a volatile market, anyone may leave any time

yet the inputs you give,  the grooming you give

will create the bond, with some of them hopefully 

staying  put, in a satisfying, growing environment 

Identifying competency of each key position

like "self driven", "result oriented", "transparency", "communication"

and against them eliciting,  assessing, measuring 

the competency of those you already have  in company

using  tools like business  score cards,  assessment center 

and 360 degree assessment to ensure

stakeholders also feel the person is competent 

But will this not result in de-motivation of the rest

when some preferred, projected over other employees? 

not if you ensure a merit based exercise

tangible and measurable, providing avenues

 a fair chance to all to showcase their talents

provide answer to question - 

"What's in it for me?"   

The smaller organizations too need to plan for succession 

but use tools suited to their size, 

requirement and affordability- perhaps buy 

a suitable succession- planning software....

What if a person selected for senior position 

had a great track record but found incompatible

unable to fit into organization culture 

unsuitable for role, unable to deliver? 

do quick damage control by grooming to your needs 

a shadow coach working closely to find gaps

and closing them speedily, at the earliest!

Ease him/her out if unable to do so 

all the while, having a shadow resource 

who works closely with him/ her, 

 to take his/ her place if the need arises...  

After  expensive training initiatives 

for the Hi-pots, don't let the steam fizzle out 

give them projects to work on, meet them frequently

use staggered learning approach of 8 to 10 months

find out what is working, what is not

and take  corrective steps for success of program.. 

Succession planning, developing successors

is number one priority in these times

now, more than at any other time! 

NB:(1)  Hi-pots refers to high potentials. 

       (2) The source material for this poem is a webinar organized by Bija Training on 8th December 2021 featuring Mr Rajesh.M. DGM Talent management,Omega Health care Pvt Ltd.


  1. Food for thought
    In today's fast changing scenario, we not only have to look at succession planning but primarily ensure the organisation will exist and not close down, not able to foresee the future.

  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the subject Sundar!

  3. Undoubtedly a competent person has to run the business successfully for the benefit of alฤบ stakeholders and a second line of management shall be actively participating in the business dynamics. In case of necessity for any reason the succession plan has to be well crafted for continuing the ethics of the business. Family business has the plan in place and certain corporations do have but the success depends on the core competence of the leadership ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Thank you sir for sharing your thoughts on the subject!

  4. Very important subject for any corporate or organisation,especially for a family run organisation for healthy longevity or survival of the organisation beyond the life span of one generation or the promoters.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the subject!
