Saturday 31 July 2021

Empathetic Leadership

With the world gone topsy- turvy 

on arrival of Covid 19, this is the time

more than any other, when we need

to exhibit empathetic leadership! 

Empathize with employees, help them learn, unlearn

and cope with the new scenario & current challenges 

understand their context, provide required support 

exhibit your humane side- as they 

struggle with the pressure to deliver!  

Spending time with individual team members 

 understanding problems, issues individual to each one 

and addressing them is the key...

Like, when an employee moved in with parents 

had less space, and appropriate ambiance 

was reluctant to come on video, working on line 

decision taken to appreciate his position 

permitted to speak, without  coming on video  

The connect becomes real and meaningful

when you display vulnerability, share with team 

your concerns and difficulties, trusting them

to pitch in and respond... 

Resort to and rely on "Active listening", 

the fuel of empathetic leadership! 

proactive discussions, joint target setting 

being a bridge between your boss, and team 

will all go a long way in achieving success! 

Empathetic leadership happens 

not from empty slogans, declarations 

but when a paradigm shift in approach 

has happened right at the top

and frittered down effectively

touching everyone, till last employee... 

Yes, covid time is an opportunity 

for introspection and change in approach 

this is the time when empathetic leadership

is most essential, more than at any other time!  

NB: The source material for this poem is a webinar organized by Bija Training on 21st July 2021   featuring Mr Vikrant Vinayak, MD Accenture.

Monday 5 July 2021

Secret of Happiness at Work

An unhappy person doesn't, 

cannot create happy teams

remember, the person who matters most 

for your happiness, is yourself! 

Reasons for happiness at work

vary from person to person

but one thing that is common

which everyone wants is 'Growth'!  

a Buddhist definition for 'happiness' is

the joy of reaching your potential !

Fun can be of two types- 'Challenging fun'

and 'Adulterated fun' 

while running a kilometre or two 

writing a blog is challenging fun 

adulterated fun is like 

 "watched Netflix back to back"  

adulterated fun makes you feel guilty

while challenging fun- Happy!  

You can be assured you have 

"Delight conditions" at work   

when you feel good about co-workers

you complete 70% of "To do list" 

manager provides achievable challenging work

and the support for achieving them!

It's a company with a purpose that fires passion

passion is what you would do 

if money was not an issue 

what you would continue to do, even when

you have a choice to do nothing!

Happy people  are successful people 

unhappy people, even if not leaving you

do not contribute to company

after all, they are not happy! 

Look up the "Daniel Pink Study" 

it reiterates what we discussed so far 

for happiness and motivation

autonomy, mastery and purpose 

score over all other incentives!  

NB: The source material for this poem is a webinar organized by NHRD Hyderabad Chapter in February 2021   featuring Ms Namrata Gill VP(HR), Dr Reddys Laboratories, Hyderabad.