Monday 28 December 2020

Gender Diversity

Everyone is talking of diversity, these days

particularly of gender diversity 

we often hear laments 

of  how the fair sex 

is not adequately represented 

on the board or senior levels of management 

Studies have shown that performance

in terms of many parameters - economic and otherwise

is a lot better when the workforce is diverse 

also you find more "out of the box' thinking 

and effective team working 

amongst diverse work teams!   

So will replacing men 

with men like women solve the problem? 

Why is it believed that aggression & ruthlessness

are hallmarks of effective leaders? 

If we are to have more  women

why not those with  the big  natural strengths of women 

of compassion, concern, empathy and intuition?  

At senior levels, what perhaps most needed 

is men with with enhanced soft skills 

and more women, not alpha male caricatures

but those with genuine feminine attributes 

who'll lead more from the heart rather than the head!  


  1. Oh for the day that "aggression and ruthlessness" and "compassion, concern, empathy and intuition" are no longer gendered qualities!

    1. Great thought. What cannot be disputed though is that in management today there is a lack of compassion, concern and empathy. We need it now more than at any other time what with pandemics causing further disruption in the lives of employees.

      Although, we may like to wish it away, men are still expected to be tough and not be soft or cry like a 'sissy' and women are expected to mean business if they want to survive and be able to contribute in a corporate environment.

  2. I wonder how the online environment will affect the gender roles in the future!

  3. Well, I am not sure whether working from home will affect one or other gender differently. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the subject.
