Sunday, 23 October 2022

Twin Sides of a coin - Leadership & entrepreneurship

Leadership qualities, a must for entrepreneur 

infact entrepreneurship, is about holistic leadership 

**leading self, leading teams & leading business 

all three would need to be in one person

particularly when it's a small business  

Some tips for entrepreneur leadership? 

Well, start small- addressing a need in society

 learn from small intiatives and then expand

don't stretch your legs before you have sat down! 

Have a clear vision and a defined process 

a clear documentation of process 

duplicate the success, build on a successful model 

get people to grow with you & you are on track! 

First step in turning  entrepreneur 

is getting out of your comfort zone 

a business person always remains 

out of the comfort zone- vigilant, ready 

to fight against odds, battle self doubts... 

Support system, at home

unflinching belief in your idea 

all matter for success

 And then growth happens 

from taking bigger challenges

every day is a challenge, the bigger the business! 

Learning to like challenges

getting a kick out of solving problems 

an appropriate mindset, appetite for challenges 

determination and consistency of process

drives a successful  entrepreneurial leader 

Aspire to be an entrepreneur? 

Don't wait too long, hoping for ideal climate 

Start early, make mistakes & learn 

Skills developed only when in use 

you experience and learn- Be it swimming or business!

Don't pass on your doubts, apprehensions

unrealistic expectations to your people 

choose wisely the crucial start up team 

a mix of expreience and drive! 

Give opportunities  to your people to perform

to dream big, aspire to be CEOs themselves 

when this happens there's ownership in employees

with no need for policing, no place for mistrust! 

Remember, even when you  have the best processes 

It's the people who drive processes- keep them happy

Empathy for all stakeholders, listening actively

to understand concerns & responding appropriately 

are all key factors in entrepreneurial leadership!  

NB:  The basic source material for this poem is a webinar organized by Bija Training on 19th  October 2022 featuring Mr Basheer Mohammad, CEO Winteg Consultency Pvt Ltd.

**  Leading self :  being discplined & able to manage self 

      Leading Teams :  influencing others & getting them to perform 

      Leading Business :  Setting a vision and strategizing for the organization