Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Key Features of an Innovation Culture

Don't pit innovation against anything else

remember, it is not about 'Innovation' or 'Deadlines" 

it is about 'innovation' and 'Deadlines'

we need both, meeting deadline for survival

innovation for growth, for the future!  

Talking of 'Innovation', it calls for

an inherent risk appetite

be ready to take failures in your stride 

ask questions, challenge status quo always!   

Innovation is about the attitude, approach, mindset  

not necessarily radical each time, involving huge investments 

culture it is-  a key ingredient for innovation 

encouraging questions like what? why not? what if? 

Encouraging diversity of talent in your teams 

diversity in experience, education, age, background 

an atmosphere for speaking up, an atmosphere of inclusiveness 

Failing intentionally to derive learning

creating a culture that says" Failure is okay

assimilate the learning from failure and move on"..

is all part of an innovative culture

only ensure- when you fail next time

 you don't fail in the same way!  

The new trends in innovation include gamification

monetary incentives for critical thinking 

creating competition amongst members

for divergent thinking...   

The challenges include personal biases

and the human nature to resist change

another challenge is zeroing in from 

a flood of ideas, choosing the best, right one from many!

The way forward  is modifying syllabus 

of professional courses- inculcating spirit

to accept, face, handle failure 

more of experiential learning and

small micro courses to supplement learning 

How can we get more support, acceptance 

for innovation from managements? 

demonstrating small successes, its savings and benefits 

open doors for  more support, larger investments! 

So there you are friends, go for it! 

undeterred by minor hitches, excuses, complaints

focus on long term ,  focus on culture 

it is the culture of innovation, pervading organization

that  will take you far distances and for longer period!  

NB: The source material for this poem is a webinar organized by Bija Training on 4th August 2021   featuring MsShalaka Verma,Director- Customer Success, Microsoft Pvt Ltd