Thursday, 26 January 2023

Art of Forgiveness at the Workplace

Forgiveness, a fine art 

super art, that helps not just at home

but the workplace as well!   

First and foremost, begin by forgiving yourself 

don't  be very hard on yourself 

to err is human, natural to encounter failure 

practice self forgiveness,  have a clean slate

to be able to move on, be effective!  

Next step, to respect and forgive others 

be it colleagues, team members 

don the role of a leader exuding "Assurance" 

and not one making team members "Jittery"

during difficult, tough situations!  

Encourage them to do new things, think 'out of the box'

consistently groom people, showcase them on stage 

couple of them initially,  enhancing skills & confidence

thus inspiring many more to take the plunge 

to dive into the pond of change, freedom and self reliance! 

As you mentor your people, both 

in the personal & professional fronts  

trust emerges and team members open up 

even as you calm them and hear them out.... 

Acknowledge their needs, apprehensions, challenges 

not what you think are their 'needs'

but respond  to their 'real needs' as they see it

 this reinforces  trust and helps build it  further! 

When you take complete ownership 

for team performance, not  making excuses

not deflecting blame when things go wrong

you earn respect of team members, senior management as well! 

Secret is, to be your authentic self 

at all times, in all areas of your life 

home, at work, social situations!   

NB:  The basic source material for this poem is a webinar organized by Bija Training on 18th  January 2023 featuring Mr Vignesh Kumar, Director,, CISCO

Sunday, 23 October 2022

Twin Sides of a coin - Leadership & entrepreneurship

Leadership qualities, a must for entrepreneur 

infact entrepreneurship, is about holistic leadership 

**leading self, leading teams & leading business 

all three would need to be in one person

particularly when it's a small business  

Some tips for entrepreneur leadership? 

Well, start small- addressing a need in society

 learn from small intiatives and then expand

don't stretch your legs before you have sat down! 

Have a clear vision and a defined process 

a clear documentation of process 

duplicate the success, build on a successful model 

get people to grow with you & you are on track! 

First step in turning  entrepreneur 

is getting out of your comfort zone 

a business person always remains 

out of the comfort zone- vigilant, ready 

to fight against odds, battle self doubts... 

Support system, at home

unflinching belief in your idea 

all matter for success

 And then growth happens 

from taking bigger challenges

every day is a challenge, the bigger the business! 

Learning to like challenges

getting a kick out of solving problems 

an appropriate mindset, appetite for challenges 

determination and consistency of process

drives a successful  entrepreneurial leader 

Aspire to be an entrepreneur? 

Don't wait too long, hoping for ideal climate 

Start early, make mistakes & learn 

Skills developed only when in use 

you experience and learn- Be it swimming or business!

Don't pass on your doubts, apprehensions

unrealistic expectations to your people 

choose wisely the crucial start up team 

a mix of expreience and drive! 

Give opportunities  to your people to perform

to dream big, aspire to be CEOs themselves 

when this happens there's ownership in employees

with no need for policing, no place for mistrust! 

Remember, even when you  have the best processes 

It's the people who drive processes- keep them happy

Empathy for all stakeholders, listening actively

to understand concerns & responding appropriately 

are all key factors in entrepreneurial leadership!  

NB:  The basic source material for this poem is a webinar organized by Bija Training on 19th  October 2022 featuring Mr Basheer Mohammad, CEO Winteg Consultency Pvt Ltd.

**  Leading self :  being discplined & able to manage self 

      Leading Teams :  influencing others & getting them to perform 

      Leading Business :  Setting a vision and strategizing for the organization

Monday, 24 January 2022

Hybrid Models of Learning

Hybrid models of learning is here to stay

also likely to change every six months 

the new dynamic world demands agile talent up-gradation

more so with challenges posed by the Covid pandemic 

being comfortable with change is now inevitable...

Reskilling today an  imperative 

both  for business and for personal growth

establishing the common ground and purposes

showing  employee a career development opportunity

focusing on the long time career, transparent decision making

 are all  the need of the hour!  

Not only acquiring skills for a job

but also adjacent skills , connected to profession 

skills holistically connected with company

learning, engaging in doing new things 

are all part of the new demands! 

As long term strategy, up-skill mindset, skill set

 and tool sets like technology enablers 

freedom and opportunity for continuous learning 

encouraging internal movements, projects and assignments! 

Employees now responsible for own skill building

play facilitator, making them aware of 'where we are now'

'what new things coming in next 3 months'  

help them decide on their own learning priorities

learning bite size, tailor made to own  needs and pace... 

The key employee mantra for hybrid world  would be 

 go ahead - continue to learn continuously

learn this, learn that, learn whatever you want

but learn! 

NB: The source material for this poem is a  discussion during  NHRD Showcase organized  by NHRD Bangalore on 19th November 2021. 

Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Developing Successors

Developing successors through succession planning 

is a different ball game today, unlike the past

for one, people no longer plan to work for you, for life

for another, the high attrition rates demand 

grooming not just one, but a few for a key position! 

Business realities change so fast that 

shorter time planning appears sensible, realistic

long term - some positions may not even exist 

so focus  on developing the key talents, in diverse ways

the high potential, in a measurable manner  

ascertaining their interests, taking their inputs as well!   

In a volatile market, anyone may leave any time

yet the inputs you give,  the grooming you give

will create the bond, with some of them hopefully 

staying  put, in a satisfying, growing environment 

Identifying competency of each key position

like "self driven", "result oriented", "transparency", "communication"

and against them eliciting,  assessing, measuring 

the competency of those you already have  in company

using  tools like business  score cards,  assessment center 

and 360 degree assessment to ensure

stakeholders also feel the person is competent 

But will this not result in de-motivation of the rest

when some preferred, projected over other employees? 

not if you ensure a merit based exercise

tangible and measurable, providing avenues

 a fair chance to all to showcase their talents

provide answer to question - 

"What's in it for me?"   

The smaller organizations too need to plan for succession 

but use tools suited to their size, 

requirement and affordability- perhaps buy 

a suitable succession- planning software....

What if a person selected for senior position 

had a great track record but found incompatible

unable to fit into organization culture 

unsuitable for role, unable to deliver? 

do quick damage control by grooming to your needs 

a shadow coach working closely to find gaps

and closing them speedily, at the earliest!

Ease him/her out if unable to do so 

all the while, having a shadow resource 

who works closely with him/ her, 

 to take his/ her place if the need arises...  

After  expensive training initiatives 

for the Hi-pots, don't let the steam fizzle out 

give them projects to work on, meet them frequently

use staggered learning approach of 8 to 10 months

find out what is working, what is not

and take  corrective steps for success of program.. 

Succession planning, developing successors

is number one priority in these times

now, more than at any other time! 

NB:(1)  Hi-pots refers to high potentials. 

       (2) The source material for this poem is a webinar organized by Bija Training on 8th December 2021 featuring Mr Rajesh.M. DGM Talent management,Omega Health care Pvt Ltd.

Monday, 29 November 2021

Mental health Wellness

While in the journey of mental wellness

Get rid of the pressure, to be perfect 

the need to be strong all the time 

be kinder to yourself, you deserve it!

Have the conversation going, on mental health

just as you would, if physically ill

time overdue to throw the stigma 

to mental illness, out of the window! 

Lead by example HR, do it first

share the vulnerability- like when

you're having a bad day..

share stories of  difficult times handled

and encourage others to do so too

identify early warning signals 

to be able to help employees.. 

A mental health action plan in place

to complement the employee assistance program

enabling people to set boundaries- what is acceptable what is not 

both physically and psychologically... 

Facilitate peer conversations, providing training

to those interested- People may open up

to a peer more than a boss...  

let training be a part of a larger plan 

not a one off exercise...

let it support the culture of organization 

Let HR focus be on mental health friendly

policies, procedures, practices..

review  the old and ensure all policies compliant 

Calling out objectionable/ shaming/ non inclusive behaviour 

 no matter by whom very important! 

so is highlighting value of empathetic listening... 

Educating Line managers on the art of treating people well

showing how non violent communication

open channels of communication, enhances productivity 

will go a long way to enhance mental wellness...

Finally,  here are some props for support on journey

journaling, meditation, mindfulness practice, exercise

remember, to take care of yourself too

like the mother advised to put first her oxygen mask

before helping child - HR can be of use to others 

only if mentally healthy themselves..

NB:  The basic source material for this poem is an online discussion during the 'Show case' conference organized by NHRD in November 2021. The panel members included Sunita Wazeer Well being Leader of Unilever, Shalini Nataraj Global Head (HR) of Maersk.

Friday, 5 November 2021

Networking Insights

Everyone admits "Networking is  the sure thing

most wanted in today's time! "

something you just cannot do without

yet people fall short of going for it

taking action...

Often, it's due to the fear of rejection 

or fear that the other guy may sweet talk you

into getting deals in his interest, rather than yours

or fear of time being wasted- Does she really know people of significance?

"will it really help in furthering my interests? 

or just a waste of precious time?"  

Antidote to fears of rejection, lack of confidence 

can only be "your belief in yourself" 

belief or lack of it, both works to produce results

prompting you to either act fast or dilly dally 

A lot of networking is about giving 

you can't hope to get if you are reluctant to give 

there's need for genuine interest in the other guy

and willingness to create value for that person 

Spend more time speaking about them

rather than about yourself- it's a sign of your interest in them 

while conversing provide value to them

perhaps a contact,  or suggestion about a book 

soon he/she will be wondering about you

would want to know more about you... 

So it is all about the conversation you had 

whether connection and interaction happened

rather than mere exchange of business cards 

Present your card only when convinced

that person genuinely wants it, is interested in you 

Don't judge yourself and others

"I am not good enough to speak to the high ranked him/ her" 

"I am just not good at networking"

If you don't think much of yourself, why should they? 

Remember, you are the product while networking-

not your company, not your business!

In the same way, restrain urge to judge others 

"This guy cannot speak good English" 

" Look at his dress sense, not classy enough"

the proof of the pudding is in the eating

not merely in the outer appearances..

Your character is far more valuable than competence

when interacting, networking with others 

it is all about "who you are" rather than "What you do" 

go with a positive mindset with good intentions

and then for networking, sky is the limit!  

NB: (1) The basic source material for this poem is a webinar I attended in October 2021  featuring Mr Paritosh Pathak, Networking coach, networking  

         (2)  Readers may also like to check out my post "Network is your Networth" at this link  

Monday, 11 October 2021

Resilience and Challenges of Remote Working

Covid times have thrown up uncertainties 

challenges and unforeseen circumstances

grit and determination required just now

to lead from the front- to spring back

and if possible be in a better place than prior 

In other words resilience has emerged 

as the No 1, most wanted leadership strength! 

Post Covid, remote working a norm, 

with everyone resorting to it

to the max possible extent

looks like it's here to stay

the future, more likely a hybrid version

a combination of both

with a tilt in favour of remote working... 

Many free online courses on offer today

from Udemy, LinkedIn and others

Being responsive to all kinds of changes

will be the key to a happy tomorrow

In a remote working model, Trust is paramount,

building confidence in employees

a feeling of assurance, that you trust them 

Using TACT helps : T for talk, sharing your vulnerabilities

A for ask - How they are doing, what help they want

C for control- Controlling your negative emotions like anger

T for being Truthful: About your expectations,

and honest feedback on their performances... 

To facilitate change, make it smoother and easier

provide infrastructure for working from home- Laptop, chair, whatever 

changes become more acceptable, when you are grateful

of things you still have, in spite of the pandemic 

it helps to be in a happy, grateful frame of mind...

Final thoughts on  virtual meetings 

don't have same standards as in physical office

a dress code, formal body language 

spend initial 5 minutes in small talk, breaking the ice

let people relax, embrace virtual platform-  Just like that!  

Finally, never quit in difficult times 

you not only miss out on opportunities to win

but also the opportunities to learn... 

NB: The source material for this poem is a webinar organized by Bija training on 18th August 2021  featuring Mr Willis Langford, Director (HR) Avnet India    

Note:  I recited this poem in the October month 2021 meeting of  the Bangalore Poetry Circle(BPC)